Heather Dowling

Heather discovered her passion for tattooing after working in a variety of different jobs, ranging from animal care to travel consultancy, and she now says she can finally stop searching. Although she excelled in art at college she was dissuaded from doing an Art degree and chose to study Psychology at University. Despite this, she has always indulged her artistic side, making elaborately decorated wedding cakes and painting in her spare time. After getting one particularly beautiful tattoo she realised that pursuing an artistic career was the only thing that would make her happy and began working towards becoming a tattoo artist.

Her varied background has given her excellent interpersonal and customer care skills, and she naturally puts every client at ease.

Her favourite projects revolve around the feminine form, natural world and vintage treasures but she always has a soft spot for clients weird and wacky ideas!


Please send her a direct message on her Instagram via the button linked above or you can send her an email at velvetgypsyink@gmail.com